Antonio Machado’s Exhibition Center


Through the Antonio Machado Interpretive Space and Education in its time of the IES Santísima Trinidad, the city of Baeza once again pays tribute to this universal figure, presenting it with an endearing and innovative perspective. Antonio Machado, a great Sevillian poet and a prominent member of the Generation of ’98, has always maintained a very special bond with the city of Baeza. He arrived there as a professor of French Grammar at the end of 1912, forming part of the teaching team of the Baccalaureate Institute installed at the Old University until 1919. During his stay in Baeza, Machado developed his facet as a teacher and was closely linked to the society of his weather. He also wrote an important part of his work, turning out to be one of the author’s most prolific literary stages. The interpretive space: Antonio Machado and the education of his time takes as its backbone the figure of the poet-teacher in his stage in Baez to value, once again, the wealth of heritage and history that links him to the city. It has been conceived as a permanent and thematic exhibition space that brings a plural public closer to different aspects of the time in which Machado lived, defining historical, social, cultural or economic issues. To do this, it uses a series of resources that will allow the visitor to feel an integral part of a dynamic, innovative and totally accessible educational-interactive environment. This exhibition space is the ideal complement to the other visitable spaces in the city of Baeza. Located in the heart of the province of Jaén, it has a rich history and a great heritage legacy. Its Renaissance monumental complex, located in its historic center and to which the old University belongs, is a magnificent example of urban planning and architecture and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003. In addition, Baeza has a series of “Machadian places”, spaces linked to the poet, among which the Plaza de Santa María and the Cathedral, the house on Calle Gaspar Becerra or the Paseo de las Murallas, among others.

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Calle Conde Romanones, 1, 23440 Baeza, Jaén