Baeza belongs to several collaboration networks in which it exchanges ideas and experiences with other cities with which it has points in common.

Group of World Heritage Cities of Spain
Baeza has been a World Heritage Site since 2003 for its examples of architecture and urban design from the 16th century, clear exponents of Renaissance culture. Therefore, Baeza belongs to the Group of World Heritage Cities of Spain, a select club made up of the 15 cities that hold this honor granted by UNESCO.

OWHC. Organization of World Heritage Cities
This international organization brings together more than 300 cities that have been recognized as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Its mission is to promote cooperation between members, especially in terms of conservation and management of urban heritage. Baeza belongs to Southern Europe and Mediterranean section.

NETWORK of Smart Tourist Destinations
Baeza is part of this network that seeks to promote the exchange of experiences and knowledge for the intelligent development of cities with a view to tourism. Sustainability, accessibility, technology, and innovation are the pillars of a smart city.

Network of Machadian Cities
This association includes all the cities related to the great poet Antonio Machado. Baeza was his home from 1912 to 1919, and the town remembers the author with various monuments and festive events.

Andalusian Tourist Municipality
Baeza belongs to this group of 28 cities declared by the Junta de Andalucía. This recognition seeks to increase tourism competitiveness without neglecting the conservation of heritage and the environment.

AEMO. Spanish Association of Olive Tree Municipalities
Baeza is one of the 130 cities that make up this national association, in charge of promoting the culture of the olive tree, the tree from which olives and olive oil are obtained.

Pablo de Olavide Municipalities Foundation
17 Andalusian cities make up this educational, cultural, and research institution. The objective is to promote activities that link university life with the local sphere, always around the figure of Pablo de Olavide. The foundation stands out for the delivery of academic awards, such as the Best High School Transcript of each of the member cities.

State Network of Proud Municipalities
Baeza joins this initiative of the RETOS LGTBI Association to promote actions and policies in favor of sexual diversity in the cities of Spain.